
18 Mei 2017 NVP voorjaarscongres

This year the NVP spring meeting will take place on the 18th of May

The "theme" of this years meeting is Controling or Controlled Human Infections

The principle of deliberate infections with parasites in a controlled setting, is not novel, as numerous animal models exist. However, applying  this to  out-bread higher animals or even humans is something that is gaining more acceptance.  Controlled human infection (CHI) models with parasites have a long history and were established decades ago, whereby for example, malaria infections were used as a treatment for neurosyphilis in the 1920's. Nowadays, controlled human malaria infections are increasingly used  worldwide and many other infections such as with hookworm or cryptosporidium are beginning to get established. Controlled infection models provide unprecedented opportunities for development and refinement of diagnostic methods as well as for the full dissection of  host- pathogen interaction and the physiological, immunological and metabolic changes that occur upon infection.  However, it is clear that no controlled parasitic infection can be considered before there is careful deliberation of the issues surrounding controlled infections: safety, ethics, quarantine, scientific output and the production of infectious material.

This year at the annual NVP meeting,  we will focus on the theme of controlled parasitic infections that are practiced in humans and higher animals and bring those interested in animal and human health together to discuss the opportunities that can be created in this area. We invite those working on medical and veterinary parasitology to join us and discuss diagnostics, parasite biology, host immunology and metabolism in the context of controlled parasitic infections.

However the meeting will (as usual) also comprise of an open session for other topics. Hence all active researchers are encouraged to submit an abstract for the annual meeting. In particular, we welcome our young colleagues to present their work !!

Abstracts can be submitted before the 3rd of April 2017.

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